YogsutrA is a web portal in Bangladesh that digitally promotes your business. We provide information about travel, education, business, and different kinds of services. Users or viewers can get the service from this portal.
YogsutrA has no responsibility between the visitor and data provider.
Service Provider means who provides a particular service, like a driver, tax consultant, online shop, web deploper, lawyer, physician, etc.
Service receiver means who takes services from the service provider through our web portal visit.
YogsutrA is a communicator between the service provider and the service receiver.
The service provider must give their name, address, mobile number, email, website, and the type of service to us to provide contact with users or viewers.
YogsutrA has published all the data with the concern with the Service Provider.
YogsutrA will not take any responsibility if any wrong happens between the service provider and service receiver. (Keep in mind here we are only the communicator.).
But the service receiver can complain to us through email, phone, and WP messages.
We will provide a secret code through SMS to every service provider, and he has to reconfirm it. It will prove that you accepted this. Terms and conditions: his information is correct. It will remain in our database.
Our official digital communication email is yogsutra@gmail.com and our mobile is 01783300635 (WP only)
And the information I have given YogsutrA is all correct.
Terms and Conditions are effective from January 1, 2025.
I have read the terms and conditions of YogsutrA.
Our service rate
It is TK250.00 to publish your business or service details here. Your profile will show like this. (Income Tax Lawyer). Per edited, TK100 needs to be added.