A complete list of international telephone code, easily search and find ID CODES and STD Codes or local area code number for any country and city. Like Canada, USA, Singapore, Malaysia and other countries.
This information has been collected from different sources, so accuracy may not be granted.
International ISD Telephone codes Listing
Country |
Phone Code |
Afganistan |
0093 |
Albenia |
00355 |
Algeria |
00213 |
Andorra |
00376 |
Angola |
00244 |
Anguilla |
001 809 497 |
Antigua |
001 809 |
Antilles Aruba |
00599 |
Argentina |
0054 |
Armenia |
00374 |
Aruba |
00297-8 |
Ascension |
00247 |
Australia |
0061 |
Austria |
0043 |
Azerbaidjan |
00994 |
Azores Island |
00351 |
Bahamas |
001 242 |
Bahrain |
00973 |
Bangladesh |
00880 |
Barbados |
001 |
Belarus |
00375 |
Belgium |
0032 |
Belize |
00501 |
Benin |
00229 |
Bermuda |
001 441 |
Bhutan |
00975 |
Bolivia |
00591 |
Bosnia Herzegovina |
00387 |
Botswana |
00267 |
Brazil |
0055 |
British Virgin Island |
001 |
Brunei |
00673 |
Burkina Faso |
00226 |
Bulgaria |
00359 |
Barma |
0095 |
Burundi |
00257 |
Carmen Island |
001 345 |
Cameroon |
00237 |
Canada |
001 |
Canary Island |
0034 |
Cape Verde Is |
00238 |
The Central African Republic |
Chad |
00235 |
Chile |
0056 |
Country |
ISD Codes |
China |
0086 |
Christmas Is |
0061 91 |
Cocos Island |
0061 91 |
Cooks Keeling Is |
0061 |
Colombia |
0057 |
Combodia |
00855 |
Comoros |
00269 |
Congo |
00242 |
Cook Island |
00682 |
Costarica |
00506 |
Cote DIvoire |
00225 |
Crotia |
00385 |
Cuba |
0053 |
Cyprus |
00357 |
Czech |
00420 |
Czechoslovakia |
0042 |
Denmark |
0045 |
Diego Grancia |
00246 |
Djibouti |
00253 |
Dominica |
001 |
Dominican Rep |
001 809 |
Ecuador |
00593 |
Egypt |
0020 |
El Salvadoor |
00503 |
Equatorial |
00240 |
Eritrea |
00291 |
Falkland Is |
00500 |
Faroe Islands |
00298 |
Fiji |
00679 |
Finland |
00358 |
France |
0033 |
French Guiana |
00594 |
French Polynesia |
00689 |
Gabon |
00241 |
Gambia |
00220 |
Germany |
0049 |
Korea Republic
Country |
ISD Codes |
Ghana |
00233 |
Gibralter |
00350 |
Greece |
0030 |
Greenland |
00299 |
Guadeloupe |
00590 |
Guam |
001 |
Guyana |
00592 |
Guantanamo Bay |
5399 |
Haiti |
00509 |
Hawaii |
001 |
Hondurus |
00504 |
Hong Kong |
00852 |
Hungary |
0036 |
Ice Land |
00354 |
India |
0091 |
Indonesia |
0062 |
International Freephone Service |
00800 |
Iran |
0098 |
Iraq |
00964 |
Ireland |
00353 |
Israel |
00972 |
Itlay |
0039 |
Ivory Cost |
00225 |
Jamaica |
001 809 |
Japan |
0081 |
Jordan |
00962 |
Kazakistan |
007 |
Kenya |
00254 |
Kiribati |
00686 |
The Korea Republic |
Kuwait |
00965 |
Kyrgazstan |
00996 |
Laos |
00856 |
Latvia |
00371 |
Lebanon |
00961 |
Lesotho |
00266 |
Liberia |
00231 |
Libya |
00218 |
Liechtenstein |
00423 |
Lithuania |
00370 |
Country |
Phone Code |
Luxembourg |
00352 |
Macao |
00853 |
Macedonia |
00389 |
Madeira |
00351 |
Maine (ME) |
00207 |
Malawi |
00265 |
Malaysia |
0060 |
Maldives |
00960 |
Mali |
00223 |
Malta |
00356 |
Marisat |
00871, 00872 |
Marshal Island |
00692 |
Mauritania |
00222 |
Mauritius |
00230 |
Mexico |
0052 |
Mocronesia |
00691 |
Moldova |
00373 |
Monaco |
00377 |
Morocco |
00212 |
Mozambique |
00258 |
Mrtinique |
00596 |
Myanmar |
0095 |
Namibia |
00264 |
Nauru |
00674 |
Nepal |
00977 |
Netherlands |
0031 |
Nevis |
001 809 469 |
New Caledonia |
00687 |
New Hampshire (NH) |
00603 |
New Zealand |
0064 |
Nicaragua |
00505 |
Nieu Island |
00683 |
Niger |
00227 |
Nigeria |
00234 |
Norfolk Island |
00672 3 |
North Dakota |
00701 |
Norway |
0047 |
Noth MarianaIs |
00670 |
Pakistan |
0092 |
Palau |
00680 |
Country |
ISD Code |
Panama |
00507 |
Papua New Guinea |
00675 |
Paraguay |
00595 |
Peru |
0051 |
Philippines |
0063 |
Poland |
0048 |
Portugal |
00351 |
Puerto Rico |
001 809 |
Qatar |
00974 |
Reunion |
00262 |
Romania |
0040 |
Russian Federation |
007 |
Rwanda |
00250 |
Samoa Western |
00685 |
SamoaUSA |
00684 |
San Marino |
00378 |
Sao Tome Pincpe |
00239 |
Saudi Arabia |
00966 |
Senegal |
00221 |
Seychelles |
00248 |
Sierra Leone |
00232 |
Singapore |
0065 |
Slovania |
00386 |
Soloman Is |
00677 |
Somalia |
00252 |
South Africa |
0027 |
South Carolina (SC) |
00803, 843, 864 |
South Dakota (SD) |
00605 |
Spain |
0034 |
Spanish North Africa |
0034 |
Srilanka |
0094 |
St Christopher |
00869 |
St Lucia |
00758 |
St Piere |
00508 |
St Vincent |
00784 |
Sudan |
00249 |
Suriname |
00597 |
Swaziland |
00268 |
Sweden |
0046 |
United Kingdom
Country |
ISD Code |
Switzerland |
0041 |
Syria |
00963 |
Taiwan |
00886 |
Tajikistan |
00992 |
Tanzania |
00255 |
Thailand |
0066 |
Togo |
00228 |
Tonga |
00676 |
Trinidad and Tobago |
001 809 |
Tunisia |
00216 |
Turkey |
0090 |
Turkmenistan |
00993 |
Turks & Caicos Island |
001 644 |
Tuvalu |
00688 |
Uganda |
00256 |
Ukraine |
00380 |
U A E |
00971 |
The United Kingdom |
Uruguay |
00598 |
001 |
Uzbekistan |
00998 |
Vanuatu |
00678 |
Vatican City |
0039-6 |
Venezuela |
0058 |
Vietnam |
0084 |
Virgin Is U K |
001 809 49 |
Virgin Is U S A |
001 809 |
Walls & Futuna |
00681 |
West Virginia(WV) |
00304 |
Western Samoa |
00685 |
Yemen, AR |
00967 |
Yugoslavia |
00381 |
Zaire |
00243 |
Zambia |
00260 |
Zanzibar |
00255 |
Zimbabwe |
00263 |
Local STD telephone area code of Major cities |
Madrid |
1 |
Dallas |
214 |
Beijing |
1 |
Chicago |
312 |
Boston |
617 |
Toronto |
416 |
Houston |
302 |
Niagara |
905 |
Athens |
1 |
New York |
212 |
Portland |
334 |
Sydney |
2 |
Barcelona |
3 |
Montreal |
514 |
Bangkok |
2 |
Singapore |
65 |
Honolulu |
808 |
London |
20 |
las Vegas |
702 |
Frankfurt |
69 |
Virginia |
276 |
Delhi |
011 |
California |
209 |
Dubai |
4 |
Amsterdam |
20 |
Washington |
202 |
Philadelphia |
215 |
Paris |
1 |
Cairo |
2 |
Los Angeles |
213 |
Tokyo |
33 |
Perth |
9 |
San Francisco |
415 |
Rome |
6 |
Kuala Lumpur |
3 |
International Dialing Codes
If you require making a phone call to another country and you are not sure how to call the number, then this service should hopefully assist you. This table and search box help you find and search for you Country Codes, International Direct Dialing prefixes, and National Direct Dialing prefixes. If you are not understood how to use this, please see the definitions below.
Country code
The country code is called the national prefix, is used to make the phone call from one countryside to another. In most cases, area code is followed after the country code
National Direct Dialing
The National Direct Dialing prefix is used to make a call within a country from one city to another. The National Direct Dialing access code is followed by the city or area code for the place you are calling. |