Australia is the sixth largest country in the world and ISD code of the country is +61. The country is divided into four major areas and each has their area code. This country’s telephone numbers have ten digits. The telephone numbers start with “0”. Callers from outside of the country have to dial +61-(STD)-(Telephone Number). Callers from inside of the country can dial a number just replacing +61 with “0”. The first digits of a telephone or mobile number of the country specify the type of service.Canberra is the national capital of the country. Largest city of the country is Sydney.
Australia AU Country Code = 0061 Dialing System = +Country Code + City or State or District Code + Phone Number Telecommunication System in Australia: In 1879 the first telephone service launched in this country. Melbourne and South Melbourne was connected with this. In the year 1880 the first telephone exchange company Melbourne Telephone Exchange Company opened and within 1884 around 7757 calls were handled. Mobile Operator Companies: In the year 1981 the first mobile phone call was made in this country. Now there are several mobile operator companies in this country. In this country there are more than 30200000 mobile phones in use according to a survey of December 2013.The list of mobile companies are given here,About Us
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